Beloved outfielder Tommy Pham was traded today to Tampa for three prospects most of us had never heard of. Pham broke out in 2017, posting a .300/.400/.500-year even though he started the season in Memphis. Before Pham was eventually called up, the Cardinals decided to give Matt Adams a shot in left field. It didn't go well and then-FanGraphs scribe Dave Cameron wondered aloud just what on earth the Cardinals were doing.
Tommy Pham was also curious and "liked" the FanGraphs tweet, setting off a firestorm.

We caught up with possible rat Alex Crisafulli (which was easy to do because he writes at this website) to get his thoughts on the episode.
BotB: So tell us what happened here.
Alex: Well, I woke up and saw that [Dave] Cameron had written about the Matt Adams experiment in left field, which most everyone in the Cardinals community found pretty odd. Especially since a perfectly good Tommy Pham was not only available in Memphis, but was tearing it up in Memphis. Needless to say, I thought the article was on point.
Then, for reasons I'm not entirely sure, I looked at who liked the FanGraphs article and noticed that one was Tommy Pham. I tweeted that out and then people re-tweeted it and stuff. That's about it.
BotB: Gotcha. Thanks.
(Good luck, Tommy. You'll always hold a special place with us.)